I participate in a website called "Swap-Bot". Basically, you can sign up to swap things with other people - letters, stickers, handmade items, anything you can think of, you can swap. There are also groups on swap-bot that you can join with themes. These groups have officers in them who host swaps based on the theme of the group.
One of the groups I am in, is called Carpe Librum and is all about books and bookish things. A swapper by the name of smadronia (one of the founder of Carpe Librum) came up with the idea to host a swap for a book themed mad-libs. I love the idea and I wanted to create a book-related mad libs meme. So if you want to play along, feel free to pick out your words and then make a post on your blog, or in the comments if you prefer, with what you came up with.
This week's theme is Cinderella.
Here is the list of words.
One of the groups I am in, is called Carpe Librum and is all about books and bookish things. A swapper by the name of smadronia (one of the founder of Carpe Librum) came up with the idea to host a swap for a book themed mad-libs. I love the idea and I wanted to create a book-related mad libs meme. So if you want to play along, feel free to pick out your words and then make a post on your blog, or in the comments if you prefer, with what you came up with.
This week's theme is Cinderella.
Here is the list of words.
1. A Place
2. Verb
3. Noun
4. Verb
5. Person in Room (Female)
6. Verb ending in "ING"
7. Part of Body
8. Noun
9. Verb
10. Adverb
11. Noun
12. Noun
13. Silly Word
14. Noun
15. Adjective
16. Adverb
17. Part of Body
18. Verb
Here is the Mad-lib. Replace each number with your word for that number:
Peter Pan by J M Barrie
PEter Pan flew into (the) _____1_____ to find his shadow. When he found it, Peter tried to _____2_____ it back on with a bar of _____3_____! When that didn't work, he began to _____4_____, waking up _____5_____.
"Boy," she said, "Why are you _____6_____?"
Peter stood up and bowed at the _____7_____. "Hello, I'm Peter Pan. I can't get my _____8_____to stick on," he said.
"You can't _____9_____ it on with soap," Wendy said _____10_____. "You need to sew it on with needle and _____11_____. Here, let me."
Quick as a/an _____12_____, she sewed the shadow back on.
Peter let out a loud "_____13_____!" and danced around the room, happy as a/an _____14_____. "Oh, I am _____15_____!" he crowed.
"Peter, may I give you a kiss?" Wendy asked him, smiling _____16_____.
Peter held out his _____17_____, waiting for her to hand it to him.
"Surely you know what a/an _____18_____ is?" she said.
"I shall know once you give it to me," Peter replied.
Here's what I came up with:
Peter Pan by J M Barrie
PEter Pan flew into (the) HOME to find his shadow. When he found it, Peter tried to RUN it back on with a bar of SHOE! When that didn't work, he began to PRANCE, waking up ZOEY.
"Boy," she said, "Why are you GALLOPING?"
Peter stood up and bowed at the PINKY. "Hello, I'm Peter Pan. I can't get my FORESTto stick on," he said.
"You can't SWIM it on with soap," Wendy said SURPRISINGLY. "You need to sew it on with needle and LAMPSHADE. Here, let me."
Quick as a/an PIANO, she sewed the shadow back on.
Peter let out a loud "POOF!" and danced around the room, happy as a/an TELEPHONE. "Oh, I am GLITTERY!" he crowed.
"Peter, may I give you a kiss?" Wendy asked him, smiling TENDERLY.
Peter held out his WRIST, waiting for her to hand it to him.
"Surely you know what a/an TUMBLE is?" she said.
"I shall know once you give it to me," Peter replied.