Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tackle Your TBR Readathon Update #3

For some reason I've been slowing down a lot on my reading these last few days. I think it's because out of all the TBR books that I own, I'm not super excited to read them. I do want to read them all eventually, but none of them are pulling at me very strongly at the moment. But, here's my update from the last few days.

Books Read: 5th Wave (Pages 213 - 361)
Pages Read: 148

Books Read: 5th Wave (Pages 362 - 457)
This Dark Endeavor (Pages 1 - 17)
Pages Read: 112

Books Read: This Dark Endeavor (Pages 18 - 38)
Pages Read: 20

Total finished books: 2
Titles of finished books: Dare You To
Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend
5th Wave
Pages Read: 902


  1. How did you like 5th Wave? I've heard good things and am planning on reading it sometime.

  2. I liked it a lot. The beginning is a little bit slow, but the last third or forth of the book is so intense and action packed.


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