Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen (ARC)

 TITLE: The Mephisto Covenant: The Redemption of Ajax
AUTHOR: Trinity Faegen
PAGES: 448

BACK COVER BLURB: Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answers means pledging her sould to Eryx, she unlocks a secret that puts her in grave danger -- Sasha is Anabo, a daughter of Eve, and Eryx's biggest threat.

A son of Hell, immortal, and bound to Earth forever, Jax looks for redemption in the Mephisto Covenant -- God's promise he will find peace in the love of an Anabo. After a thousand years, he's finally found the girl he's been searching for: Sasha.

With the threat of Eryx looking, Jax has to keep Sasha safe and win her over. But can he? Will Sasha love him and give up her mortal life?

OVERALL IMPRESSION: This book was pretty confusing at first. I didn't know what was going on; I didn't know what each group of people were -- the Anabo, the Ravens, the Skia, etc -- it was hard to figure out what everyone's purpose was. As the book continued, things were explained and I figured out everyone's purpose. This was an okay book, but not one that I jumped out of my seat for and had to finish right away.

CHARACTERS: I honestly didn't connect with any of the characters in this book. None them stood to me and made me want to learn more about them.

COVER: I love the cover of this one! The dark atmosphere, the trees in the background. I love the dress the girl is wearing and the bridge that she is walking over.

*I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine for review.

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