Sunday, January 6, 2013

Fall To Pieces Review


TITLE: Fall To Pieces
AUTHOR: Vahini Naidoo
PUBLISHER: Amazon Children's Publishing
PAGES: 314

INSIDE COVER BLURB: When your best friend dies, you're supposed to know what happened. You're supposed to know why.

But Ella has no idea what happened the night Amy jumped to her death. She has no idea why Amy would want to die.

Ella's other friends Mark and Petal are hiding something. Ella thinks they know exactly  what happened that terrible night. But they're not talking. Instead, Ella, Mark and Petal play Pick Me Ups -- a game in which they jump from dangerous heights. And every time Ella falls, she begins to remember pieces of that night...

It's still not enough. So Ella brings a mysterious new guy into the group, hoping to shake things up and unearth the truth. But Ella's "Explosive Boy" has secrets of his own.

In the end there may be some secrets that Ella doesn't want to face. The truth -- the real truth -- about Amy's death might just be more than she can handle.

OVERALL IMPRESSION: I didn't really have any expectations when I picked this book up, I just liked the cover. It's extremely dark and covers very intense topics. I would caution parents and tell them to make sure they either read all or some of it before deciding if they think their child can handle reading it.

I really enjoyed this book. I think the profanity was a little unnecessary at times, but I found myself needing to read just one more chapter, which ended up being five more, which really was me staying up way later than I should have to finish the book -- even though I had to get up early for work the next morning.

CHARACTERS: My favorite character is Tristan. I was drawn to him the moment we met him and as the story progressed, I became more interested in him and wanted to know more about his story.

COVER: I like the cover. I like the girl's hair and I like the way she fades away at the bottom of the book.

*I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine for my honest review.

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